My current challenge in my game, whose working title is TinyGame, is to find a way to figure out what the spaces are for each room.
My world is divided up into tiles, nostalgia from old rogue-likes i suppose, and each tile can either be a movable space, or a piece of terrain that can't be moved through (yet). Oh sure, there's items and creatures and so on, but this is about the rooms themselves.
Right now I generate the rooms like this:
I find a spot somewhere in the bottom middle of my map. That becomes the main doorway for the dungeon. From there I generate a width, and a height and draw my walls just inside that, leaving the middle empty. This is the atrium for the building, and it's always one of the largest rooms in the place. Sure, not every type of dungeon needs an atrium, but I'm starting simple here.

But now, they're just walls and spaces. I need to remember them as rooms themselves, so I can do things with them, like add monsters and delicious treasure.
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