Thursday, February 4, 2010

Historical Architecture - Part 5

Altar of the third god

In Ronar, Geisfarl was the first to gain awareness, and he created the second god, Garsog. Third, the world was created, and then the six goddesses. The altar of the third god is a location confused in it's purpose but signifigant nonetheless.

The altar of the third go was actually created by the Fallen Angel, the Reality Master who began the conflict of the universe for mortals to worship himself. He apeared to mortals in their dreams to cause them to seek it out and venerate it, though they do not know why.

Though it serves no true divine purpose, the altar is a menangere of goddess worshipers, faithless who serve no gods, and those who worship natural powers as if they were gods themselves. It has become a hub of those who are unsure of their own destinies, unsure of their place in the world, and a place where soothsayers travel to tell the future to them.

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